《财经》记者 龚奕洁 | 文 袁满 | 编辑“建行目前新增贷款LPR定价比例已经达56%;下半年息差水平或将在现有水平稳定的基础上再下降1-2个bp。”建行首席财务官许一鸣在8月29日下午的中期业绩发布会上表示。许一鸣表示,LPR背景下价格下降必然会对银行利差管理和收益率水平构成影响;但因为点差非常小,所以对建行影响不大。下半年贷款利率大概率将继续下降,但同时存款市场流动性稍微宽松,所以对息差的影响大概只有1-2个bp。
诉讼文件显示,原告认为,唯一的解决方法是允许其他应用商店的参与。据英国金融时报报道,这起诉讼的背景是,今年5月,美国最高法院以5票对4票做出判决,用户可就苹果向在其应用商店App Store发售应用的开发者抽取30%佣金起诉苹果。苹果暂未对上述诉讼做出回应。
路博迈(Neuberger Berman)固定收益投资策略委员会团队日前表示,“非常短期内,我们认为市场高估了美联储的宽松程度,预计收益率将向更高水平回调。”点此查看最近一周资金流入最多的固定收益ETF。【贵金属】金价高位震荡美东时间周二,COMEX期金(GC)8月份交割的合约延续回落,收报1399.6美元,跌0.03%。点此查看上海黄金交易所(SGE)贵金属行情。
Simon: Personally I don’t think that the new regulation makes sense。 But it reflects the mood of the politicians, the industry and probably the majority of Germans。 In my opinion the German government should focus on creating a level playing field for German and foreign companies in China rather than impeding foreign and Chinese investments in Germany。 I do not expect that the new rules will have much impact。 There are some critical areas like infrastructure or defense where such restrictions are understandable and make sense, but for 90% of the economy they are nonsense。 But I have also to criticize the Chinese。 We have seen 162 acquisitions of German companies by Chinese investors in the last three years, in the opposite direction we had 32。 This imbalance in the numbers as such is not a problem。 The problem is rather that some of the Chinese takeovers were seen as rather aggressive and as coordinated within the “Made in China 2025”- initiative。 I think that the aggressive communication of that campaign has done damage to Chinese investments abroad。 Yes, China has been very successful。 But I would recommend the country to boast less about this success and the ensuing strength。 Chinese acquirers have often payed very high prices。 While this may be advantageous for the seller, it is not perceived well by politics and the public。 Why? Because overly high prices create the suspicion that these are political rather than pure business acquisitions。